Welcome to Best CrossFit Shoes
Our goal is to provide you with the most detailed, accurate reviews of athletic shoes, and other related products. We also hope to be your source for information about workouts, diets, and more. We started the site with the following goals in mind:
- To help you choose the best pair of CrossFit shoes (and other gear) possible.
- To provide accurate information about products, diets, workouts, techniques, etc. to help you achieve your maximum athletic performance.
Thank you for visiting bestcrossfitshoe.net. We welcome any suggestions or queries regarding CrossFit. You can reach the owner of this website at: [email protected]
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How We Review Products
Our goal at Best CrossFit Shoes is to bring you only the best, unbiased reviews to help you make the best choice for CrossFit gear. Here’s the process we follow to review products:
- We obtain the product, either through purchasing it ourselves or getting it free from the company. Whether or not we get it for free doesn’t impact our review.
- Then, we try it out for a few weeks to see what we think. During this time, we also scour the reviews on Amazon, paying close attention to the 3-4 star ones which usually give the most accurate picture of the pros and cons of an item.
- We also check out what people are saying online about the product, in fitness magazines, YouTube, or other websites similar to this one.
- After that, we check the company website carefully to make sure that there’s nothing we missed.
- Finally, we write our review, with the goal being to give you the most accurate information possible.
- We regularly updated our articles when new versions of products come to the market. We’re always striving to give you the most informative, accurate information possible.
Affiliate Information
There are links on this site leading to products Amazon (and other places too). When you click on them, and buy a product, we might make a few bucks. That said, we only recommend the good stuff, and if a product isn’t great, we’ll tell you that too, and then recommend something better.
Amazon Affiliates
BestCrossfitShoe.net is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
Xero Shoes
I am proud to be a Xero Shoes affiliate and may receive compensation for referring the Xero Shoes brand.
About the Authors and Reviewers at Best CrossFit Shoes
There are a number of people who write articles and reviews products for this website. Here’s some information about them.
Anne Calderson
Anne is a blog writer from New York, who realized that all of the time she spent sitting in front of her computer was not good for her health. As a blogger for a fitness site, she was already familiar with some of the CrossFit exercises.
After noticing a difference in her level of energy, and toning some muscles that had become flabby, Anne’s decided to use her love of writing to tell her readers about the benefits of CrossFit. She’s currently working on her Level 1 coaching certification so she can help others do what she loves.
Her favourite shoe: the Reebok Nano series.
Brian Westen
Brian is a freelance fitness writer based out of Houston, where the hot, humid weather makes it difficult to exercise outdoors. To help his city get in shape he decided to start incorporating fitness tips in his weekly blog.
Once he discovered CrossFit and the fact that the WODs can be easily done inside an air-conditioned building he was hooked. Now he has made it his mission to get everyone in his city healthy and active with CrossFit. He recently achieved his level 1 CrossFit coaching designation.
He loves to wear knee-high socks, along with Inov-8 shoes.
John James
John is a Crossfit Level 1, 2, and 3 Trainer, and avid CrossFitter. He’s currently working towards his Level 4 certification, the highest level possible.
Before taking up CrossFit, he played a number of team sports and was also interested in bodybuilding. But, after his first CrossFit workout with a friend, he knew he’d found his passion!
He started bestcrossfitshoe.net with the aim to educate the fitness community and share knowledge on CrossFit footwear, equipment, nutrition and workout routine to help them make a difference in their lives.
You can usually find him in various Reebok Nano shoes, which ones depend on the kind of workout.
Tony Calder
Tony is a licensed nutritionist from California, who developed an interest in fitness while he was in college. When he realized that his regular exercise routine was not helping him lose some of his extra weight he decided to sign up at the local CrossFit gym.
Now not only is he an avid CrossFitter, but he is also a coach, holding level 1 + 2 coaching designations. You will usually find Tony at the local gym where he uses his knowledge of proper nutrition to help other athletes achieve all of their goals. Here at Best CrossFit Shoes, we appreciate his knowledgeable articles about nutrition, gear, and other workouts.
On his feet, you can usually find Nike Metcons.
What Do People Think About Us?
“Thanks so much for your detailed, informative reviews about CrossFit gear. I’m just starting out so was happy to find your solid recommendations to get me through those first few months.” Cary C.
“I’m just getting into powerlifting and found your reviews of lifting shoes and singlets extremely helpful. There just isn’t enough good information about this stuff, so thank you!” Tim A.
“I ran across your website, and it was obvious to me that you guys know what you’re talking about. Thanks to John and the team for your excellent reviews. You led me to the Reebok Nano 8 and I couldn’t be happier with them.” Jen R.
Questions or Comments for Best CrossFit Shoes?
Do you have any questions or comments for us? Please contact us by email, or drop a comment below and we’ll get back to you.